Prescription Drug Addiction Facts


According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, approximately six million Americans utilized prescription drugs recreationally. OxyContin and Percoset are popular on the black market, where they are frequently obtained through fake prescriptions and theft. Regrettably, a sizable portion of these thefts and unlawful usage of these medications are performed by medical personnel.

Numerous variables contribute to physicians, nurses, and other medical personnel developing an addiction to drugs and/or alcohol. The job's demands intensify, and release is sought. The ease with which prescription medications can be obtained simply fuels the impulse to abuse narcotics in search of that ephemeral experience of numbing euphoria. It is a habit that, if left untreated, can spiral out of control, wreaking havoc on one's relationships, finances, profession, and health.

Prescription drugs are classified mostly into three types. While these medications are beneficial and sometimes required for treating a variety of ailments, their unlawful use and overuse are comparable to drug abuse with cocaine and heroin. A drug is a drug, and should be used with extreme caution.


Opioids are narcotic analgesics that are provided to patients suffering from severe pain. When opioid drugs are administered as prescribed, they can effectively block pain signals to the brain and produce sleepiness in people who suffer from insomnia. Opioids can influence euphoric experiences and may enhance pleasure, and if used improperly, they can become highly addicted. Buy Oxycontin 80 mg Australia, Percocet, Vicodin, Morphine, Methadone, and Demerol are all common opioid painkillers.


Individuals who suffer from anxiety, panic attacks, or insomnia are frequently administered central nervous system-affecting drugs. These antidepressants decrease brain activity and instill a sense of calm in the patient, promoting relaxation, improved reasoning, and occasionally improved mood. Overuse of these medications can result in chronic sleepiness or a sense of being "stoned," which can build to dependence. Valium, Nembutal, Xanax, and barbiturates such as Seconal and Phenobarbital are all common prescription medications in this group.


On the other hand, stimulant medications are recommended to individuals who require treatment for inherently slow abilities, chronic exhaustion, or narcolepsy. These drugs improve alertness and energy levels by stimulating the brain and heart rate. Individuals seeking an extra boost may be tempted to abuse these stimulants, and prolonged usage can result in cardiac issues, sleeplessness, and mood swings. Stimulants such as Ritalin and Dexedrine are frequently administered.

There are rehab program and clinics dedicated to treating addicts who abuse prescription medications. If you are taken medication to treat an illness, it is critical to understand the risks to avoid developing an addiction. Consult a physician prior to taking any drug. If you suspect a loved one of pharmaceutical abuse, speak with a professional about intervention and rehabilitation options.


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