Anxiety Is A Symptom of OxyContin Abuse

The two basic symptoms of OxyContin addiction are injecting or snorting the drug rather than taking it orally as prescribed, and a continual preoccupation with acquiring more of the drug. When an individual who is addicted to this substance abruptly stops taking it, they typically experience physical withdrawal symptoms as their bodies crave more of the drug.

These signs or symptoms include the following:


fever and chills

diarrhoea symptoms similar to the flu

sleeplessness and agitation

joint and muscle discomfort

nausea and vomiting cramping in the stomach sweating

weakness due to tremors and twitching

Regardless of the negative side effects of OxyContin addiction, the individual continues to consume the drug and will usually go to any length to obtain it. This is not uncommon conduct for someone whose life is being dictated by their drug addiction. Three stages of recovery from OxyContin dependence

In the majority of cases, OxyContin addiction began as an innocent experiment with the drug or as a result of taking it as prescribed by a licensed physician for pain. However, as you continued to use the substance, your tolerance for it increased and finally, an addiction emerged. If this has occurred to you and you've decided to seek professional help, you're undoubtedly wondering what to expect and may be experiencing some dread of the unknown, specifically learning how to live without the medication.

There are three phases to recovery from Buy Oxycontin 80 mg Australia or any other addiction. These stages include the following: Counseling on an individual basis.

Detox and withdrawal are by far the most difficult and painful stages of the three, although they eventually improve. Without a doubt, you will experience the physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms outlined above. To ensure your comfort and safety throughout this time, you will, nevertheless, be under the care, monitoring, and supervision of a medical professional 24 hours a day.

Individual and group counselling - you will interact with peers and staff members in a group setting and will alternate with one-on-one counselling sessions with addiction specialists and therapists. Both types of counselling assist you to advance into the recovery stage as you work toward completing the programme and eventually going home to live a drug-free life.

Aftercare and support - one of the most crucial components of the ongoing recovery stage is enrolling in an aftercare program and joining one of the numerous support groups available to aid in your recovery from OxyContin addiction.


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