Addiction is Ignorant of Social and Geographic Barriers


Every day of the week, hundreds of people are falling victim to OxyContin addiction in places large and small across America, and the death toll continues to rise.

OxyContin addiction and the number of deaths associated with it do not occur exclusively in urban drug dens and back alleyways. A review of local newspapers, radio and television news broadcasts, and home-town newspapers reveals an appalling toll from this hazardous narcotic. OxyContin addiction and death are spreading throughout the country's cities, towns, and even rural regions. Every day brings new stories of addictions, deaths, injuries, arrests, and destroyed lives.

Furthermore, a peek at the news reveals that the innumerable tragedies associated with OxyContin addiction – many of which are the result of legal prescriptions, not merely illicit consumption – affect people from all walks of life. Celebrities, professionals, students, elders, wealthy and impoverished — addiction does not discriminate on the basis of social status or age.

OxyContin is virtually equivalent to heroin and has a similar effect on the body of the user. This is why thousands of OxyContin users develop an addiction to heroin. This is also why a large number of heroin users turn to Buy Oxycontin 80 mg Australia as a substitute for heroin when they are unable to obtain heroin. While both heroin and OxyContin are highly addictive, an OxyContin addiction is significantly more difficult to overcome than a heroin addiction!

This circumstance begs the obvious question: Why is heroin prohibited but OxyContin is legal? As every rational individual can see, this question has no rational response.

Hundreds of such stories, from surviving family members of OxyContin addiction victims, are being shared briefly and intensely on a new website where thousands of people are signing a petition to ban OxyContin.

The petition's sponsors expect to amass sufficient signatures to make an impactful presentation to the Food and Drug Administration later this year. There are other medications that are just as good at controlling chronic pain as OxyContin but do not have OxyContin's appalling track record of addiction, abuse, and death. Thousands of Americans have already signed the petition, believing it is past time for the FDA to remove OxyContin from the market.

According to the statement on the Ban OxyContin website, by signing this petition, we are requesting that the FDA prohibit the distribution of OxyContin to new patients and establish "a compassionate program for those now on OxyContin, with a realistic time schedule for complete withdrawal."

By removing the lethal narcotic opioid OxyContin from the market, thousands of people will avoid the high cost and disruptions associated with detox and drug rehab programs. And thousands of real lives will be spared throughout the United States of America.

The Most Effective Substance Abuse Withdrawal Treatment

What does the use of these medicines and their addiction imply?

Oxycontin has been classified medically as an opioid painkiller that is extremely addictive when used in an abusive manner. It is significantly less expensive than the other commonly abused medications. Combined with the rapid and intense high, it contributes to a highly developed overuse of the substance across the country, most prevalent among young users. It is relatively simple to snort or inject crushed Oxycontin pills, which results in abuse. After the body becomes accustomed to the Oxycontin, skipping a single dose may cause nausea and necessitate medical intervention. This is one of the primary reasons that therapy for Oxycontin addiction becomes an absolute necessity following Oxycontin withdrawal. Treatment for Oxycontin addiction is also critical because the addict's body's dependence on this particular substance frequently results in questionable and unusual behavior. They may attempt to steal it, obtain it through pals, or purchase it illegally.


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