Why Do Good Magic Spells Become Bad? - The Director and Limiter Roles
This occurs frequently. You obtain an excellent spell and cast it. The spell has been demonstrated to work on other individuals. Your pals have benefited from the spell. It's a good magic spell that appears to be functioning... until it breaks down. Why do perfectly good magical spells occasionally fail to work? To that question, there is only one answer: directors and limiters. Directors and limiters define what a spell should and should not do. Directors direct the spell's actions. Limiters instruct the spell on what it should not perform. Directors and limiters are frequently more crucial than any other ingredient in a magic spell. If you wish to cast a spell of any scale or power, you should create some directors and limiters that will instruct the spell precisely what to accomplish. The majority of people believe that the spell's strength comes from the chant, the candles, or the herbs. While such elements may contain some power, the spell is guided by directors a...